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The Student Assembly Infrastructure Fund Commission oversees an endowment meant to provide financial support to infrastructure projects that improve the undergraduate experience at Cornell. It solicits and evaluates applications from the student body for small campus infrastructure upgrades, allocating over $70,000 for improvements like bike racks, water fountains, electrical outlets, and outdoor seating. The SAIFC works hand in hand with Cornell Facilities, building managers, staff, and external contractors to help our projects come to fruition.


SAIF is currently in its fourth year of operation, having been started in Fall 2014. In the 2014-2015 academic year, we received 9 project submissions and funded 4 of them. Outlets in the Duffield Hall atrium, mirrors in the Garden Room of Willard Straight Hall, electrical upgrades to Ho Plaza, 5 new water bottle fillers at locations around campus. All of these projects, except for Ho Plaza, are complete. Ho Plaza will be implemented Summer 2016.


In the 2015-2016 academic year, we received 58 proposals and funded 7 of them. Lighting on Libe Slope, renovation of the plaza in front of the Schwartz Center, outlets in the Green Dragon cafe, hand dryers in Willard Straight Hall bathrooms, condom dispensers, coat hooks for bathroom stall doors, pilot run of a new waste bin and signage system. SAIF also coordinated with different Cornell departments to add vending machines to Sibley Hall and garbage cans on North Campus without funding.


Do you have any ideas for what our next projects should be? Submit it on our Apply page!


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